In a standard-sized game, that’s a possible total of up to +25 Faith per turn, just for not indulging your war-mongering nature. Naturally, the Civ-verse has its own mysterious interpretations of real-world historical stuff, and in Civ VI Gandhi’s unique ability means that he gets +5 Faith for every civilization he’s met that follows another religion (and that he’s not at war with). Satyagraha was Gandhi’s form of peaceful resistance which helped banish the Brits back to their own country. You know you’ve made it in life when you can make up your own words and they become globally accepted. Given the spiritual lifestyle of Yoda and, er, Boglins, it’s kind of fitting that Gandhi’s unique abilities lay in Faith. Learn the ways of veni, vidi, vici with our Civilization 6 Rome guide.īefore talking about Gandhi’s relevant features that actually impact the gameplay, can we take a moment to admire the sheer weirdness of his appearance? Obviously, Firaxis wanted to go for more ‘character’ in the leaders this time round, but the guy looks like the offspring of a mild-mannered Boglin hand-puppet and Yoda – albeit with his ears so far down his head as to make Yoda’s look veritably lupine.Hoping to fly the star-spangled banner? You need our Civilization 6 America guide.Not sure which nation to pick? Our Civilization 6 leaders guide can help.Looking for more general advice? Try our Civilization 6 strategy guide.